Entries by namdv

Step by step to rent an apartment in Vietnam

Vietnam has been chosen as a popular traveling and living place recently by a lot of foreigners.  More than 100,000 foreigners are living here and many of them have called Vietnam their next home. Finding a new apartment to rent in a brand new country might be challenging at first sight, but you will see […]

5 ways to get cheaper rent

Are you having problems with your finances? Do you know ways to get cheaper house for rent in your neighborhood? Do you find it hard to pay your rent to high cost? When you know the procedure, you can always learn ways to get cheaper rent available in the city where you live. Here are […]

Tet Nguyen Dan – the Vietnamese New Year

It’s only ten days to Tet Nguyen Dan which is considered the biggest and most popular festival of the year in Vietnam. Celebrated on the first day of the first month in Lunar Calendar, Tet’s celebration is the longest holiday which may last up to seven days. Vietnamese New Year in 2015 will last from […]